Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Budget eh - How to survive the recession part 2

Budget eh? Well, the Government is a step behind me there. I've known this recession was coming since I interviewed David McWilliams back in May. Oh yes sir, I have.

As a friend of mine said the other day, "this recession is all about coffee". It sure is, my friend. We have gotten far too used to our daily 'treat'. But the thing is, you can't call it a treat when you give yourself one every day. Then it becomes something you expect as a normal part of the day.

A treat is something our parents know about. Like the first holiday you ever had to Trabolgan when your dad got a payrise and you were 15 and too old for it. But you pretended to enjoy it because it was a treat and you knew that was, by definition, something you enjoyed.

Celtic donkeys have their first holiday (often camping in France) at 2 and have 'done Europe' by the time they are 10. At that stage only Disneyworld Florida can give our jaded worldly children any joy at all. From there on it's the slippery slope of 'doing' SE Asia and then pretty much having nowhere else to go except NY at Christmas because it's such good value.

Anyway, I digress. Sorry. Back to 'treats'.

Cut them out, people! Ta-dah. How to survive the recession 101.
Christy Moore (see previous post) is another tip.


  1. So Ireland is going through a recession too? I didn't know.

  2. For about a year or so the Government has been referring to it as a "downturn" or a "slowdown", as the definition for a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.

    It's still technically too early to call it a recession, by that definition, but it's expected that this will be confirmed over the next quarter.

    We've now got the highest unemployment rate since 1998 and one of the highest rises in unemployment over a summer ever (can't find the figure - anyone?)

    The Government is also largely blaming the credit crunch caused by the US mortgage crisis and other international factors like the price of fuel.
